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Made in the shade: Stay safe this summer with RCP Shelters!  

Temperatures continue to rise, as does the influx of people heading outdoors to enjoy some overdue fresh air and physical activity. Outdoor facilities are often busiest mid-day during summer months, when the UV rays from the sun is strongest. In addition to sun protection, it’s crucial that playgrounds, park seating areas and picnic tables are covered with a shade shelter that provides relief from the heat.

RCP Shelters, the most diverse shelter manufacturer, has you covered. Their pre-engineered structures significantly reduce temperature and ambient humidity, resulting in better comfortand protection for those enjoying a day outside. On playgrounds where exposure to heat poses a serious threat to children, installing a shelter is imperative to ensure safety, piece of mind for the parents and even extended play time for the kids.

In addition to preventing overexposure to the sun which can lead to skin cancer, RCP's specialty shelters also protect from:

RCP Boisdale

Locals choosing RCP Shelters for their shelter needs!

We are mere weeks away from the start of winter, which means the unpredictable Canadian weather is on its way. While it may be the end to beach days, you don’t have to write-off outdoor activities completely.

RCP Shelters, the most diverse shelter manufacturer, ensures residents can continue enjoying their favourite parks, picnic tables and playgrounds by keeping them covered with their specialty shelters. Proven to withstand everything from the heaviest snow loads in the Rocky Mountains to 150 mph wind loads in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, many Canadian communities are installing RCP’s pre-engineered park structures to stay protected against strong winds, rain and snow.


Bring people together around Thomas Steele's U-Pod Table! 

Outdoor furniture plays an integral part of enhancing a community. Having beautiful, functional seating encourages pedestrian traffic and can contribute to giving a distinct personality to your environment.

Thomas Steele, known for their durable and stylish benches, tables, trash receptacles and planters, has achieved the perfect blend of comfort and design with the U-Pod table and chair series – sure to add class and aesthetic appeal to your outdoor décor. 


Whether your shelter needs are big or small, RCP Shelters has you 'covered'

We’ve all been there. After much planning, the moment has come to sit down with your loved ones and enjoy an outdoor picnic. Then it starts raining.  

While it may be impossible to predict the ever-changing Canadian climate, you can find an alternative to enjoy an outdoor event no matter the weather. Enter RCP Shelters, the most diverse shelter manufacturer offering a variety of pre-engineered park structures proven to withstand everything from the heaviest snow loads in the Rocky Mountains to 150 mph wind loads in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.